Photo by Lotte Meijer on Unsplash

The Role Of A Guardian

It is a very difficult reversal of roles for many families to make, but for some, it does happen. The adult child of an elderly parent must now take on the role of emotional, financial and medical support because the elderly parent or parents are no longer in a position to be able to care […]

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Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Questions To Help Interview Home Healthcare Providers

If you’re thinking of letting an elderly parent remain at home, you’re already doing them a great emotional service. Allowing an elderly person to stay in a familiar space full of memories, where they’ve raised a family and had a life is a great kindness, but it does bring with it some new concerns and […]

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Photo by Nick Karvounis on Unsplash

3 Tools For Helping Older Adults Who Live Alone

One of the more difficult decisions that some children may make with regards to their parent or parents is living arrangements. In some cases, such as more severe medical conditions, hospitalization, or more focused attention from medical professionals at a dedicated residence may be required. In other cases, however, an older parent may have the […]

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Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash

How To Become A Guardian

It is an incredibly challenging and emotional experience for some adults, but there may come a point in your life when you are now the emotionally, mentally, and psychologically responsible person, and it is your parent or parents, who spent decades raising you, that now need your care. It’s hard to be in this position, […]

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Photo by Jp Valery on Unsplash

How Durable Power of Attorney Is More Useful Than a Will

When it comes to estate planning, the various legalese terms can seem to become jumbled and overlap with each other. For many people, understanding the subtle and nuanced, yet very impactful differences between these terms can be an endlessly confusing task. Two of these concepts are a will and powers of attorney. Both serve to […]

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Top 8 Reasons to See an Elder Law Attorney

Elder Law focuses on many areas of the law, many that are very personal and sometimes emotional. Our clients come to us for all different types of reasons – guardianships, long-term care planning, advance health care directives, powers of attorney, estate planning, probate and trust administration, asset protection, special needs trusts and planning, and elder […]

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UnSplash image by Annie Spratt

At Tabory Law You’re Family

You don’t plan for the unthinkable to happen. But sometimes it does and you have to rely on the experts to advise and assist you. At Tabory Law in the Kansas City area, I devote my practice to meeting the legal needs of families and individuals, especially the elderly, in times of planning as well […]

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The difference between long-term and short-term care

What Is The Difference Between Short-Term Care Insurance And Long-Term Care Insurance?

Many people, when they contemplate aging, begin to wonder how they would pay for care, should they need it when they are older. The concern is even more pressing for children thinking about how they will care for their aging parents. As a result, consumers are turning to insurance solutions to cover care not included […]

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Appointing a guardian

How a Guardian Is Appointed

It’s a common worry when it comes to aging: what if a person I love loses the ability to make important decisions? What if it happens to me? That’s where guardianship comes in. What Is A Guardian? A guardian is someone who has been legally appointed to make important decisions regarding medical care, finances and […]

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Passing on your home

The Benefits Of Using An Irrevocable Trust To Pass Your Home to Your Children

Are you considering leaving your home to your children in your will? If so, there are some tax considerations you should be aware of. A gift of this size will result in steep capital gains taxes levied against your beneficiaries. As an alternative, you can consider using an irrevocable trust to leave your home to […]

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